Wednesday, May 19, 2010

02. Your pretty face is soaked in blood/You know I still find you dashing.

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - House Fire

Easily one of the saddest songs I know.

The memory tied to this one is strangely enough, not from the time when I was really into this band. I was walking down Highland Road to go buy some cloves at the Ra Shop, the stretch including the Faculty Club, the Old Law Building, and the campus churches. I wanted to listen to it to see if it still made me cry. It did.

I just recalled another time forever engrained in my head. My most recent ex and I, together at the time of this story, were at his apartment with his roommate. We had all just shared a bowl, me glued to the couch. I made him listen to this song, not sure if he had heard it before. He had. Hearing that song stoned was somewhat of a religious experience for me. I remember resting my head on his shoulder and smiling, as a tear rolled down my cheek.

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